
Maltagliati with “Colombaccio” (wood pigeon) sauce


For the pastry:

500 gr. of flour (250 gr. type 00 and 250 gr. of durum wheat semolina preferably Senatore Cappelli variety)

5 whole eggs


For Colombaccio sauce:

3 wood pigeons

1 can of tomato sauce

2 spoons of concentrated tomato paste




Extra virgin olive oil

Salt and pepper

Vermentino wine



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For the pastry:​

In a pastry board put the two flours add the eggs, the salt and work by hand until a smooth and elastic dough is obtained.
Let it rest for a while then spread it out thin enough to dry it slightly and cut it into irregular pieces.​

For Colombaccio sauce:​​

Let brown in a pan the wood pigeons cleaned and washed with oil, celery onion and garlic, cook them slowly over low heat for at least an hour. After an hour, remove them from the pan and let them cool.
Once cold, they must be completely stripped and the meat mus​t be chopped either with a mixer or for those who prefer a more rustic version, even by hand with a knife.
Put the mince obtained in the pan where they were cooked and where there will always be the cooking base, add 200 gr of ground beef, cook a little and blend with Vermentino wine
Add the tomato sauce, the concentrated tomato paste, season with salt and pepper and cook for at least an hour.​



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