


Ristorante La Miniera<a href="/en/MenuRistoranti/Monterufoli/LaMiniera_MenuCenaInglese.pdf">Browse the menu</a>Ristorante La Miniera 10:02:07049304Fattoria del Cerro La Poderina Monterufoli Colpetrone Tenuta di Montecorona O' di Còlpetrone Pian di Seta Vermentino di Toscana Bio IGT The menu of the "La Miniera" Restaurant aspx2604htmlFalseaspx<img alt="" src="/it/PublishingImages/Ristoranti/RollupLaMiniera.png" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /><img alt="" src="/it/PublishingImages/Ristoranti/Immagine%20Header%20ristorante%20la%20Miniera.png" width="3950" style="BORDER:0px solid;" />The restaurant of the Tenuta di Monterufoli, in Val di Cornia, is located in the main villa (la Miniera) of the complex of buildings nestled inside a natural park.
L'Antica Chiusina<a href="/en/MenuRistoranti/Villa%20Grazianella/MENU%27%20ALLA%20CARTA%20-ESTATE%20Ing.pdf" target="_blank" title="Browse the menu">Browse the m​enu</a>L'Antica Chiusina 11:12:23049285Fattoria del Cerro La Poderina Monterufoli Colpetrone Tenuta di Montecorona O' di Còlpetrone Pian di Seta Vermentino di Toscana Bio IGT The menu changes with the seasons, but aspx3253htmlFalseaspx<img alt="" src="/it/PublishingImages/Ristoranti/AnticaChiusinaaRollup.png" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /><img alt="" src="/it/PublishingImages/Ristoranti/Immagine%20Header%20L%27Antica%20Chiusina.png" width="3950" style="BORDER:0px solid;" />Antica Chiusina Restaurant is located within the Relais Villa Grazianella of Fattoria del Cerro, from where you can admire the wonderful amphitheater of the Siena hills surrounding Montepulciano

"Thoughtful" cuisine​

Narrating the character of the territory through cuisine, presenting dishes characterized by a balance between tradition and innovation, without pursuing the creation of overly gourmet dishes, as this does not align with the chef's culinary goals.

Our products

We use organic, high-quality products either from our own production or from local producers. From dishes prepared with local ingredients to wines produced in our vineyards, every detail is crafted with passion.​